Trees in Beaux Arts Village

Beaux Arts Urban Forest

As one enters Beaux Arts Village, it is immediately obvious that trees are an important part of the look, feel, and character of the town.  We even have two trees sited in the middle of paved streets; denizens of the area from long before Beaux Arts was founded in 1908.

Beaux Arts prides itself on this urban forest -- one of the most extensive of any city or town in the area -- and its preservation. Beaux Arts Village Municipal Code Chapter 16.25 establishes the rules and regulations for removing trees on both public and private property.  Residents contemplating the removal of any tree should first review this important legislation.

In addition, the Town actively monitors the condition of trees on public property and works to mitigate any health issues or hazardous conditions in a timely manner.  Please contact us if you notice a Town tree that appears unhealthy or poses a hazard of any kind or if you think a Town tree has been damaged or removed without permission so we can assess the situation.

In 2019, the Town partnered with the King Consevation District (KCS) to map our urban forest canopy and assess the health of the entire forest in the Village.  The result of this project is the 2019 Town of Beaux Arts Village Forest Strategic Plan, which includes maps, a report filled with data about the forest canopy and understory, and recommendations for managing this critical resource.  Because the report is large and graphics heavy, it has been uploaded in sections below.  One important tool from the study is an interactive map of the trees in our urban forest, which can be found at  Residents can use this map to view the various stands of trees throughout the Village, and by clicking on the colored sections, can learn more about the recommendations for each stand.

Recently, Town Arborist Holly Iosso with Tree Solutions, prepared Tree Protection Tips summarizing the importance of the Town's urban forest and presenting ways to protect the many trees growing on our public rights-of-way.  Residents should review this document prior to beginning any construction-related activity on their property, especially if their are trees on the adjacent right-of-way.